Criss Cross Applesauce (Homemade Applesauce)

The remnants of our epic apple picking excursion were calling me today. They were just asking to be turned into one of my favorite sweet snacks: applesauce. It is so easy to prepare it is silly I don't make it more often. I think this is a a new fall staple.

Homemade Apple Sauce

8 Apples Peeled & Cored (I like Macoun)
1/2 Cup Warm Water
1 1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice

Time: 40 Minutes
Active Time: 10 Minutes
Servings: 6 1/2 Cup Servings

Peel, core, and slice the apples and place in a medium sauce pan over medium low heat. Add the cinnamon, vanilla, water, and lemon juice and simmer for 25-30 minutes. Stir and serve warm. I like mine chunky, but if you like your's smooth then you can run it through a fine mesh strainer. Store in an airtight container in your refrigerator for up to 4 days.