BB's (Bourbon Banana Pastry Cream)

This is the bananarrific and an awesome addition to pretty much everything.

Banana Bourbon Pastry Cream

Photo by Brave Tart


2 Overripe Bananas (mashed)
½ tsp Vanilla
1 Tbsp Bourbon
2 Cups Pastry Cream

Active: 10 Minutes
Total Time: 10 Minutes
Servings: 2 Cups

Mash the bananas in a medium bowl. Add the vanilla and bourbon and mix until fully combined. Add the pastry cream and fold in the mashed bananas until smooth. Fill a piping bag (or ziplock bag) with the pastry cream and pipe into your eclairs, cream puffs or pie crust. If not using it immediately, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.