Tea Time with an Old Friend

Gluten-free, Yeast-free, Sugar-free Carob Chip Cookies with
White Bean Flour on a super cute vintage china plate

This weekend I was bound and determined to make my gluten-free, sugar-free, yeast-free carob chip cookies. This is a recipe I have been fiddling with for a couple of months now. Originally I made it with the gluten-free "all purpose flour" but I found that the texture was too dense. Then I used tapioca flour and that made them mushy, but the flavor was better. Then I mixed half tapioca flour and half "all purpose" flour and that seemed to be the best at the time. When I got back from Baltimore, I was out of my "all purpose flour" so I went to my stash. Brown rice flour? Too grainy. Whole wheat flour? Defeats the gluten-free goal. White bean flour? Yes! That just might work. So I get to making the cookies. A little agave nectar, a little white bean flour and some tapioca flour, a couple of other ingredients and voila cookies. Not so fast... They were bricks. They tasted OK, but not great. Ugh, back to the drawing board.

So, on Friday night I thought why not just use the white bean flour? So I did. I mixed it all together and BAM! gluten-free, sugar-free, yeast-free carob chip cookies. I tried them and the texture was on point, but what was the flavor? That smell that was well, beany? The white bean flour although great in texture is not great in flavor. The only thing I can liken the flavor to is lotus bean pie from a Chinese bakery. I love me some lotus bean pie, but you know that you are eating bean paste. This takes you by surprise because you think you are eating a delightful carob chip cookie and then all of a sudden it hits you - BEAN.

A little dejected, my oldest - in years not in age - friend Seth came over for some iced tea and a little catch up. Sethers is a SUCKER for anything sweet. When we were kids he used to eat handfuls of chocolate chips and my personal fav was when he would make an entire batch of the family buttercream and mix chocolate chips into it that we would then eat by the SPOONFULS! Ah, youth...

I have a domed cake stand in my apartment that I like to use to show off my baked goods and there my gfyfsfcc's were for Seth to salivate over. After we chatted for some time Seth asked the dreaded question, "Alikatter, do you mind if I have a chocolate chip cookie?" Now I pride myself on my regular chocolate chip cookies. They are a thing of perfection and would gladly pimp them out to anyone who will have them, but these? These beany carob chip cookies? I didn't dare. I said, "yes? I mean if you are feeling daring. They are gluten-free, sugar-free, yeast-free, chocolate chip-free cookies..." His face contorted a bit and I quickly offered him a chocolate cupcake. A much better option for my sweet and rich addicted besty.

Upon further thought, it sort of amazes me that I had another homemade option to offer. Who am I?
Gluten-free, Yeast-free, Sugar-free Carob Chip Cookies with White Bean Flour
on a super cute vintage china plate (they really do look delicious)