What, What!?!?

So July Fourth, as expected, was OFF THE HOOK. Every year it is different because not everyone can get to the Cape for the festivities, but it is always super fun. I made it to two BBQ's, breakfast at the famous Bonatt's Restaurant/Bakery where I shared a melt-a-way with my besties, took a tour of the Yacht Club my parents joined - I know, tooled around in the Cabriolet 1992 style, made rainy day blueberry streusel muffins, got hit on by someone who graduated from high school in 2002, and somehow managed to fit in a mini bar brawl. I know, I am bad ass.

First things first, the bars were a huge hit. My sister and the Spaniard were munching on the Raspberry bars after our 6 hour bus expedition to BOSTON - we still had 2 hours to go. They were starving and desperate for a treat. My sister told me they were amazing and she never lies to me. She is my sister. The lemon squares were really refreshing, but I feel like they were too sweet. I want them to have more of a bite to them. I am going to work on that.

On the fourth, we went to this BBQ that my parents go to every year. My parents friends and their daughters, who we went to elementary school and high school with, were desperate to see my sister's engagement ring, which is pretty fab. We got there on the late side and the desserts, ahem my favorite part, were being served. There were brownies made from a box. NEXT. Some fruit and cool whip concoction. NEXT. Store bought cookies - did I tell you or did I tell you? NEXT. And then there they were... homemade biscotti. Holy cannoli these suckers were spicy and delicious. I literally tapped the woman on the shoulder who made them and said, "please give my mother the recipe before you leave. No seriously, DO NOT leave without giving it to her. These are AMAZING." Guess who didn't get the recipe? Yup.

July 5th was a hot rainy mess. After we hit a couple of thrift stores - one of our most favorite things to do on the Cape- and kicked my sister's and my mother's collective butts in Scrabble, I turned to the beloved electric stove. What to make? What to make? Oooo, I know! Muffins! It is blueberry season so let's get it on. I did some research on-line a la dial-up - my parents rock, they are so old timey - and came up with this hybrid blueberry muffin with streusel topping that was so good I didn't even get to try one. They were literally gone in less than 12 hours.

Rainy Day Blueberry Muffins with Cinnamon and Vanilla Streusel Topping. I couldn't resist putting them on this flag tile. I mean it was the July Fourth holiday weekend. Next brunch I am making these suckers.

The plan was to bring some of these muffins to my friend's BBQ the following day. One of the Harrington brothers is a BIG fan of blueberry muffins. That didn't happen, but sure enough in between people belting their faces off - myself included, thanks to Jay - at the Karoake machine a la a karaoke bar, the store bought red, white, and blue marble birthday cake arrived. As well as the frosted brownies, the mini red, white, and blue cupcakes and cookies. In that moment I wished for the muffins and bars that had been ravaged throughout the weekend. A mild hankering for super sugary icing took over me and I knew I had to leave. Damn those store bought cakes! They still have a hold over me.

I told you last week that if my recipes were a success I would post them for you to try on your own. I decided that I would post the raspberry bars and the oatmeal crasin cookies. I want more time with the lemon squares before I unleash them upon you. Enjoy and good luck!

Vegan Raspberry Bars with Oat crumb topping

2 1/4 Cup All-Purpose Flour
1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Margarine straight out of the Refrigerator
1 Cup Oats
3/4 - 1 Cup Raspberry Preserves

Preheat oven to 350. Combine flour, sugar, and margarine in a large bowl. Beat at a low speed until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Reserve 2 cups of crumb mixture; set aside

Press remaining crumb mixture on bottom of greased 8-inch square baking pan/Spread preserves to within 1/2 of the edge. Add rolled oats to the crumble mixture incorporating them fully before placing over the preserves.

Bake for 40-50 minutes or until lightly golden brown. Cool completely; cut into bars.

Now I know you are all chomping at the bit for this recipe...

Gluten-free, Yeast-free, Sugar-free Oatmeal Crasin Cookies

1 Cup Rolled Oats
1/3 Cup White Bean Flour
1/3 Cup Brown Rice Flour
1/4 Cup Unsalted Butter
2 Packets Stevia
2 Tbsp Agave Nectar
2 Tsp baking soda
2 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Nutmeg
Pinch of Salt
1 Large handful of Crasins or to taste

Preheat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients together; add crasins last. Place on well greased cookies sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes. Keep an eye on them because they cook quickly.