Birthdays Galore

Kate and her birthday cake

Kate is one of my besties and her birthday was coming up. After my surprise party that I found out she was planning for literally MONTHS I felt like she really deserved a fun birthday too. She wasn't feeling it this year, but I felt like we had to do something to commemorate the day of her birth - DAMMIT! So after a little but of coercion Kate decided to have a dinner party with just her nearest and dearest.

That is when her friend Carey and I took over: a surprise potluck. Funny right? Carey is obsessed with themes. I am more of a fly by the seat of my pants kind of gal so I left the theme thinking to her. She came up with some really great ideas like a casserole dinner party as an ode to Kate's mid western roots. That one got a big OMG she can't be serious - although I did find it pretty amusing. But casserole? The theme I could handle was an Argentinean feast. Kate and her bf are heading to Argentina this winter - can you say jealous? - so we thought it would be a perfect theme to get them even more excited about their trip. I decided I would make the cake -duh- and some tostones to go on the side with the empanadas and rice and beans - delish.

Here is where my conundrum came in: Kate's favorite cake of all time is carrot cake with walnuts and raisins and cream cheese frosting. Now that cake is OFF THE CHAIN and it is award winning, but Kate expected it and she recently fell in love with my coconut cake. In fact, at one point she said she didn't know which one she preferred for her birthday. I wanted to make two little cakes. Cakelettes if you will, and hell I will. HA! But the coconut cake is very time consuming and I thought you know? Why not shake things up bit?

I hit the ground running with the coconut cake and let me tell you that cake was GORGEOUS! I put it in the freezer after it came out of the oven - one of my tricks to keep the cake super moist - but I decided to leave the bottom of the springform pan on the cake. At the time it seemed brilliant. I mean I figured I would take the cake out of the freezer the day of and it would thaw and I would be good to go. I then moved on to the coconut filling that is so delicious. I mean think the coconut filling for the best damn black forest cake you have EVER had - yep that good.

Fast forward to the day of Kate's party. I had the day planned within an inch of its life. I started on the cake around 5 knowing I had to be at the party at 7. The meringue frosting takes a little bit of time and tlc, but 2 Hours is MORE than enough time, except when you forget to take the cakes out of the freezer and the cake is frozen to the bottom of the pan. YIKES. I realize this AS I am in the shower so I jump out towel in hair, no make-up, and 45 minutes before I have to leave freaking out about how I am going to pull this off.

Post thaw. Phew...

The question was how in hell was I going to get those cakes thawed out in time for frosting and getting to the party? EUREKA! Turn on the oven, place the cakes on the back burners and thaw it that way. While I was anxiously awaiting the cakes I slapped on some make-up, did the hair and turned my attention to the cake. Thank goodness I am BRILLIANT because otherwise there would have been no birthday cake. The cakes were defrosted and I cut into them with a vengeance, then placed layer upon layer with coconut filling and then it came time for the meringue frosting. When I was a kid I was OBSESSED with fluff and this is basically fluff so it is all I can do to not shove my face in it and start eating it like it is my job. I put some coconut on the sides tossed it in a box and headed out the door.

Dinner was amazing and kudos must go to everyone who pitched in. Kate got a light pink candle candelabra for her birthday so we put that on the cake and it looked AMAZING. The cake was good, but it wasn't great. Why you ask? Isn't it one of your specialties? Um, why yes it is. The coconut I used on the outside of the cake for aesthetics was B-A-D. It was like candied. Ick, It was messed with the texture and the flavor of the rest of the cake.

The Cake that almost wasn't

Next I have a 3 tiered birthday cake for Cecily's crazy birthday party. There are going to be 50 people there! No joke. Wish me luck...