Excuses, excuses

The economic down turn holiday gift for everyone this year. Homemade hooch a.k.a limoncello, frosted gingerbread cookies, and hazelnut tea cookies. All equally delightful and festive.

Yes, I it is true I have been VERY lax with the blog updating these days. Funny that when it is cold and people stay in and cook, bake, and eat I don't manage to do much of it at all. I seem to enjoy baking waaay more in the summer. Go figure. I guess it is something about 100 degree temps that get me in the baking mood.

So much has been going on. I mean my accessories line is off the hook and is featured in this months Bridal Guide Magazine. I have been auditioning a bunch, singing a bunch - just got back from Idaho - teaching a bunch, and in between trying to relax.

Since Christmas and New Year's came and went without a peep from me I thought I would show you some of what I was up to baking wise.

Ron concentrating really hard on the task at hand (left). Ron and I in full decorating mode (right).

The day before I left for the holidays I had a million cookies to decorate and package as well as bottle and label the limoncello. I asked my bestie Ron to come over and help. He was great and we rocked out to Christmas Carols and I believe had a dance party too. Way to celebrate the holidays!

Fresh plain and spinach pasta in homemade pesto. Delightful.

Inspired by the two Italian holiday feasts I had when home for the holidays and the stories of my grandmother's amazing homemade pasta, I decided to dust off the old pasta maker I got to roll out fondant and try my hand at making some fresh pasta. I made both plain and spinach pasta with homemade basil pesto. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. If I was my nana without a food processor this never would have happened. The great thing is it tasted good, Dan loved it, and it freezes well. Winning all around.

I spent the new year with a group of people I didn't know all that well, but I wanted to contribute so I thought why not some cupcakes? Mini ones. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to make. I thought one classic and one not so classic. I came up with vegan red velvet cupcakes with vegan cream cheese frosting and vegan cafe latte cupcakes with a vegan royal icing glaze and cocoa, cinnamon, and powdered sugar on top to look like the top of a latte you get at a cafe. They were delicious. I have to admit though that they weren't an eating crowd as much as a drinking crowd so I lost a little bit of my baking mojo when they weren't devoured. They tasted great and looked amazing though. Check them out.

My New Year's delights. Vegan red velvet cupcakes with vegan cream cheese frosting and vegan cafe latte cupcakes with vegan royal icing and sprinkled powdered sugar, cocoa, and cinnamon. They really do look frothy.