She's Baaaack

I made this wedding cake for my friends Andy and Jovana's Wedding.  Andy is a celiac so this a gluten free white cake with gluten free butter cream frosting and gum paste flowers.  It literally tasted like vanilla ice cream!

Well Hello!

I know, I know. It has been a solid - ahem - two years since I made a blog entry.

After my walk about in Australia I felt I needed to concentrate on the most important things in my life: singing, ARIA by alison, and my love life. In that two years I baked my ass off for weddings, bachelor parties, bridal showers, holiday parties, birthdays, pms binges, and thought to myself, "self, you should post this on m'honey bakes!" But managed never to get around to it.

In case you are wondering ARIA by alison is hugely successful. I was featured in three magazines in the same month! And I am hoping to be places in a very well-known retailer very soon. All of which you can check out at:

My singing is going swimmingly. Thanks for asking.

And my love life? Well...

How do I make up for all my years of neglect. How about a million mouthwatering photos of what I have been up to for the last couple of years. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? Plus now that I don't have an SO I need any and every excuse to get back to baking.

And now for your viewing pleasure M'honey Bakes 2010 Baking adventures...
Lizzie and I made her wedding cake and cupcakes.  This was one of my duties as bff.  I made the navy blue royal icing flowers the night before I left for my trip.  They matched perfectly.  They were white cake with white chocolate frosting and vegan chocolate cake with vanilla butter cream frosting.
 Lizzie and I making a million cupcakes for the nuptials.

The cake topper
The white cake cupcakes with white chocolate frosting and homemade flowers