Total Birthday Domination

So, I hate my birthday.  And this year was no exception.  I am not certain what it is about the day that I hate so much, but I think it is mostly that I am a year older and I suddenly start singing, “I won’t grow up, I won’t grow up, I don’t want to go to school…”  

Wandering through the city in my amazing dress, trying to think how a 5 year old would spend her birthday, I decided to go to Sprinkles to get a cupcake.  Now you may remember that when I went to LA 4 years ago I went to Sprinkles and said it was one of the best bakery cupcakes I have ever had so I thought why the hell not! Well, first of all the cupcakes are THREE DOLLARS!  I mean really?  THREE DOLLARS for a cupcake?  I am in the WRONG business… I am allergic to chocolate so I couldn’t get anything with chocolate so I thought well I have had their lemon cupcake and liked it and I never eat carrot cause nothing is better than mine, and so the only other option was coconut.

It looked great.  I was a white cake with cream cheese coconut frosting. Hmm… okay I ‘ll give it a go.  I buy it for THREE dollars cause it is my birthday and go on my way.

Happy Birthday Cupcake to Me!
Now, I am not a huge fan of cream cheese frosting.  I think it has its place like on carrot cake, red velvet, and SOME chocolate cake recipes.  I think it is too generously used on everything and the flavor doesn’t work with everything.  I have to say I was disappointed with my birthday cupcake.  The cake was good.  The crumb was moist and tasty, but there was SOOOOOOOOOOO much cream cheese frosting.  Like a MOUNTAIN of frosting and it just overwhelmed everything and it wasn’t infused with coconut it just had coconut flakes on top.  All in all, eh on the happy birthday cupcake to me.

Birthday not getting off to a great start…

There is one thing I LOVE however and that is my annual birthday bonfire on Cape Cod.  Last year I was working in Kalamazoo, MI so I missed it, but this year I was back just in time to bonfire it up.  It is a great night of friends, family, and one of the most beautiful sunsets you have ever seen.

Everyone brings cocktails and we cook hot dogs and s’mores over the open flame.  I also tend to make a cake or something for the occasion.  This year, a little blue, I decided to schlep, on my 8-hour bus ride, cupcakes: lemon cupcakes to be exact.  I am not sure what it was about the idea of lemon cupcakes that got me going, but I just decided to that it seemed like the best idea.  Maybe because citrus and lemon are such a sign of summer and since my birthday sees the summer to a close it just felt right.

Now, they looked amazing.  Absolutely amazing.  The frosting was so perfectly yellow and I put a pretty handmade purple pansy on each of them, but as I was making them I found I struggled with the correct amount of citrus.  I didn’t want to do too much and over power the bite, but I didn’t want to do too little and have it taste bland. When I bit into the vegan delights I felt like I wanted to be hit over the head with lemon flavor and I just sort of got patted on the head. Hmmm, and I put lemon rind in both the frosting and the cake.  

I mean they were good.  They were really good, but they weren’t like lemon citrus heavenly good.  Next time gadget.  Next time…