Guilt(less) Pleasure (Watermelon and Lime Popsicles)

There are three things in the summer that I can't live without: guacamole, ice cream treats, and watermelon. I have now found a way to combine two of the three, and it is awesome! The best part? TWO INGREDIENTS. 

Watermelon Popsicles


4 Cups of Seedless Watermelon - cut into chunks
1 Tbsp Lime Juice

Active Prep Time: 5 minutes
In Active Prep Time: 2 Hours
Servings: 4 Popsicles

Cut the seedless watermelon into 1 inch chunks. Place the watermelon and the lime juice into a food processor. Whir it until it is smooth and liquid. Pour the mixture through a sieve then into popsicle molds or in dixie cups with popsicle sticks. Place in the freezer until set and serve!